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Public·1 Glo Trimmers
AJ Reid
May 22, 2024 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the Glo group! You can connect with other members, get updates, and share videos.

Using flexible glass fiber optic lighting products to design interior spaces is a relatively new way to design soft-trim upholstery work. Since we have been exploring and exclusively working in this field, we have made a lot of friends and figured out a few things along the way that may help save some time or gain a better understanding of some of the technical or science behind advanced lighting.

AJ Reid
August 6, 2023 · changed the group description.

Welcome to the Glo group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos.

Using flexible glass fiber optic lighting products to design interior spaces is relatively new way to design. Since we have been exploring and exclusively working in this field we have figured out some thing along the way and happy to teach you if your willing to ask.

AJ Reid
August 4, 2023 · joined the group.
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